Carebear Kids at play

I would like to thank all the parent's for allowing me to take part in there child's life. It is such a rewarding experience to see them grow and become independent and confident in themselves. Words cannot express how I feel about the parents believing in me and in trusting me with there most valuable gift . I will always try my best to keep each and every one of them safe and most of all to feel loved and special. Parents can always be assured that their loved one will always be under a watchful eye for I too am also a mother and know that our children are the most valuable gift in our life.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oldies but Goodies

Branson, Milo, and Joce

Branson and Joce - Friends Forever
On a trip to Sagebrook to see Branson's daddy
Joce, Milo and Branson
Cali Reagan when she first started with us